速報APP / 生活品味 / Creative Nail Art Designs

Creative Nail Art Designs





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



Creative Nail Art Designs(圖1)-速報App

Every woman wants impeccable nails and through this application for girls all nail problems are resolved. You would like to discover all models of polish that we have prepared especially for you. You will learn to combine different colors and moreover you will be helped to learn to use all tools. If you are here means you rush to a meeting at work or at a party and here you can find everything you need. We will help you do your nails, you'll be able to choose from many options and even test your ability to draw.

It contains latest trends of nail art designs such as: pretty nails, easy nail designs, Christmas nail designs, Valentines day nail designs, acrylic nails, floral nail designs, date nail designs, creative nail designs, wedding nail designs, summer nail designs, pink nail designs, french manicure, Halloween nail designs, shellac nails, glitter nail designs and many more other nail art designs.

Creative Nail Art Designs(圖2)-速報App

It is very easy to use this app for girls and more than that is free.

- If you want all your friends to have beautiful nails you just need to talk about this application;

Creative Nail Art Designs(圖3)-速報App

- If you like a certain image you can save and share on any social network;

- You will learn to use all tools for manicure;

Creative Nail Art Designs(圖4)-速報App

- You will learn to determine which manicure is right for every event;

- Here in this application you will be able to enjoy different scenery;

Creative Nail Art Designs(圖5)-速報App

- You can learn to paint each nail differently;

- You can play with patterns and create a spectacular manicure.

Creative Nail Art Designs(圖6)-速報App